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Hyaluronic ZnPCA mixlab serum Ekseption

Mixlab from Ekseption

Personalised serums and masks

Mixlab is a unique conception using hyaluronic acid based serums with high quality active ingredients to target specific skin conditions.

Bespoke blends

The Mixlab serums can be used alone or blended to create a bespoke formulation as prescribed by your therapist in the Mixlab blender. These serums are used for homecare, masks and during treatments



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Mixlab mask blender and mold Ekseption

Mixlab masks

Bespoke skincare for your skin concerns

The Mixlab blender is used to create bespoke hydro-gel masks for your skin treatment.  Containing 100% natural ingredients and hyaluronic acid to create a unique base, that sterile meso formulations or mixlab serums can be addded to ehnance your skin treatment.

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